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[OM] IMGS: Medical Clinics

Subject: [OM] IMGS: Medical Clinics
From: Tina Manley <tmanley@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 15:30:26 -0500

I've been editing some old photos for a future project but I've also posted
a lot of them on Facebook.  Since some of you are not on FB and my husband
is not either, I put them up on a pBase gallery.  These are photos from
medical clinics in Central America.  This is also a work in progress
because I haven't even gotten to Guatemala yet!  Here is what I have so far:


Click on the thumbnails to view larger and use the arrow buttons to
navigate.  Any comments and criticisms and suggestions would be
appreciated. My biggest problem is that this is a wide variety of films
over many years and the color is impossible to match.  Someday I will do
one of only my B&W photos ;-)



PS.  Check back occasionally because I will be adding more every day.

Tina Manley
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