At 11/25/2020 03:25 PM, flat-earther wrote:
>Karlik Moose wrote:
>> Yup, Garmin, too. This thingie relies on the phone GPS. I have not tried
>> geotagging with my iPhone Xs. My older ones used less capable GPS chips.
>> They were wildly inaccurate under tree cover, etc.
>This has been something that I've found rather problematic here in
>Alaska. There are places that I travel and hike that fool GPS
>receivers pretty substantially. The valleys in my recent panoramic
>picture is one such spot. Just about every phone will lose the
>location and my old eTrex completely packed it in. On the Richardson
>Highway, north-east of Thompson Pass, it's so bad there that many
>vehicle navigation systems will literally think the vehicle is
>travelling in the opposite direction. On the Glenn Highway, between
>Chickaloon and Glacier View, GPS is woefully inaccurate in places.
>Even my own neighborhood is odd and there is a spot near our house
>that GPS will jump 300 feet. Any exercise tracking device that uses
>GPS completely fubars your distance and speed numbers. The Garmin
>GPSMAP 64st holds in there pretty well, but will still jump around a
>bit on some of the trails I hike here in the Eagle River valley. The
>Canon 6D's GPS was quite hopeless and laughable.
Maybe you are too close to the Russian border. If my brother were alive, I'm
sure he could tell you what is happening. A lot has to do with receiver
sensitivity and how many satellites it can track simultaneously.
I agree that depending on the phone for GPS makes this device less desirable.
>> Ah, Obviously, I am never in "polite company", which I count as a plus.
>> Anyone who judges one's gear, as opposed to results, is not good company.
>"Influencers" such as Tony Northrup have contributed to the highly
>toxic anti-crop mentality. I'd consider half of his opinions to be
>that of a crackpot, but with 1.4 million subscribers, he's far too
>"respected" to be messed with. He fancies himself the gatekeeper of
>the digital photography world. He's now calling those of us m43
>shooters "flat-earthers".
Don't fall off the edge up there in Alaska, you must be close.
>> Once in a while, I get asked what brand I use, either out in the field or
>> when someone goes through my books. I always answer that it doesn't matter;
>> all current gear is capable of great results.
>My answer varies depending on the person asking. Typically I say
>"Olympus and Sony". It's interesting that I seem to get more respect
>by identifying two systems.
The fun one.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: