At 11/23/2020 02:02 PM, AG Schnozz wrote:
>> My dislike of Lensbaby has nothing to do with Lensbaby itself but rather
>> from an experience with an overly self-important photography teacher years
>> ago.
>My dislike is related to the cliche nature of it. It's a modern-day
>version of Cokin Filters.
>> I also agree that creating such effects in PS is possible, but most often
>> less effective than photos.
>Yes. Just about everything is possible in PS, but it looks PS. Optical
>effects tend to be a little more "organic". I like the flaws and
>imperfections that an optical solution presents. There is a slight
>randomness that gives me something to look at. It's the photographic
>equivalent of "brush strokes".
I once attempted to learn water color painting. But found I did better with OM
glass brushes. One of the advantages of getting older, though, less need to
impress, maybe I'll pick up the paint brush again.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: