Moose got the Olympus Six right. Good Eye! Wayne's ID of the closed
folder as a Canon was incorrect, but there aren't too many visual clues
with it closed. It is a postwar Kodak Retina Ib. I don't recall if
Canon ever made 35mm folders.
For the record, the cameras are:
Top shelf: Minolta SRT 201, TLR with missing nameplate is an East German
Reflecta I, OM-1n, Kiev 60 (export model with "Kiev" in Latin alphabet,
and a Zeiss Jena lens), Baldinette 35mm folder, (in back) Koni-Omega M,
Beacon II (American 127-film snapshot camera)
Bottom shelf, front to back, left to right: OM-1, Lordomat (non-Leica
interchangeable lens 35mm camera made in Wetzlar, Germany)
unrecognizable because its most prominent feature, a fairing over the
top of the lens is hidden by the OM-1's prism, Canonet QL17, Nikonos
IV-a, Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic ("H" rather than "AOC" logo on the
prism), Exakta VXiia, Perfex One-O-One, Konica Autoreflex TC, External
viewfinder mounted on an otherwise invisible Olympus Ace - Olympus's
only leaf shutter 35 with interchangeable lenses, Retina Ib, Olympus
Six, Yashica Lynx 14, fixed-lens rangefinder with f/1.4 lens, Pentax KX
- top of the line version of the K1000.
Wayne commented on barrel distortion. The picture was taken with an
M.Zuiko 12-40 and I didn't line the camera up perfectly head-on and
square with the shelves, but I think that the particle-board shelving is
also sagging under the weight. The Kiev weighs two kilograms, and the
Koni-Omega is in the same ballpark. They make up the "You call that a
camera? Now */this/* is a camera" section of my collection.
----- Larry Woods
On 11/22/2020 6:16 AM, lmwoods@xxxxxxx wrote:
As a bonus quiz, how many cameras can you identify?? Extra points for
cameras in the rear on the lower shelf.?? I will spot you the Perfex
(bottom row, center), an American camera from the 1940s that loaded, but
had a hard time exposing 35mm film.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: