I hear you, Moose. If it were just for glasses, I wouldn't have gone.
I have a minor infection of the skin around the corner of one eye which
didn't go away with over-the-counter stuff. Plus, it was 2 years since
my retinas and eye alignment were checked--both need to be monitored
because of complications after cataract surgery.
The office is observing very strict protocol.? Everyone wears masks,
people in the waiting rooms are distanced as far as possible, and
everything that anyone touches is wiped down with disinfectant before
and after. I felt about as safe as once can these days.
Fortunately, everything is good, and there have been no significant
changes in my vision.
> On 10/29/2020 7:54 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
> I actually went somewhere today.
Subsequently, Moose wrote:
> I need to do that, but put off anything I can that involves close
contact with
> other people.
> My Eagle Eye had been "improving", requiring less negative
correction. The infinity part of my progressives now focus beyond
infinity on that one eye. I'm working on my computer sans glasses.
> Weird.
> Seeing Beyond Moose
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