At 10/31/2020 09:17 PM, The Sharper Moose wrote:
>On 10/29/2020 8:08 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>At 10/28/2020 09:29 PM, Moose wrote:
>>>>Sometimes I am my own worst critic, often looking for that shot that will
>>>>jump out at you, rather than the more subtle feeling of place and mood.
>>>You might try paying attention to the quiet. It's always around, so just
>>>requires paying attention.
>>I actually do that quite a bit. Just that I don't think the photos would
>>interest people much. Here are some photos, all taken one day last week with
>>Voigtlander 110mm.
>>This is what an old saguaro cactus looks like. Reminds me of Oak tree bark.
>I like it; my kind of photo!
>But there's a tech problem with it on Google Photos. All the glory of the lens
>is lost in translation. It's quite soft. When I download it, I get an
>1800x1195 image, with pretty decent detail. But It does seem that you may not
>resharpen after downsizing for the web?
>You can do the math, which I can't (or won't?), but here's a non math
>description why ALL digital sampling loses sharpness and needs resharpening if
>it's to be anything like the original. From the Moose Monday columns I just
>referred to. Starting in PP 6 of this page.
>So, the poor image starts out at a slight disadvantage, but then the display
>gallery does much worse. When I view the link on Google Photos, I see a
>1378x1195 pixel image on my 24" monitor. On my portable, it's 1200x800.
>Take a look at what that downsizing by GP has done to sharpness, clarity of
>detail, whatever you want to call it.
>Not a good selling point for the Voigtländer 110 mm. :-)
>>I was on a walk thinking/feeling memories of my wife who died 2.5 years ago,
>>and recent news that week that a friend, mostly on facebook, passed away
>>suddenly. This is a photo of Wyatt from his FB page:
>>I was really hoping to meet up with him since he was back in AZ. He spent the
>>summer hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon/Washington. His iPhone photos
>>were inspiring. He was a great spirit. So death, grief, and loss was on my
>>mind. I connected to this particular old cactus and felt a peace come over
>>me. Hard to explain. The thought "life is a stream" and not to be concerned
>>when a husk is left behind. Why we feel loss? Is it the trance of memory?
>>And to value the moments I have with people. Most species are just in the
>>continuity ...
>>Further on the walk:
>Another great, if soft, shot. Naked, dead Alf?
>>and does a rock have Buddha nature?:
>I think he belongs with these guys.
>>and the day's end.
>>Sometimes photos, when viewed raw, don't seem like much until processed.
>Perfect for the end of a day spent partly in contemplation of death and loss.
>>Earlier that day - looking to see if the 110mm Voigtlander had the pop.
>An answer must await a properly downsampled and resharpened version small
>enough that Google doesn't damage it. (But I suspect not.)
>One Ten Moose
Thanks Moose.
I admit that I down sampled using FastLane and didn't consider the
consequences. Knowing digital signal processing you'd think I'd know better.
The cactus bark was a stack of 3 and not too much thought.
I was probably on the list in 2008 but at the time my life was very hectic and
photography was on the way back burner. Thanks for the link. I will go back and
redo some of these.
At the moment my head is a bit groggy with headache. Pretty sure I am having a
2nd round of coronavirus. So far mild.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: