At 10/13/2020 12:18 PM, Ken wrote:
>Jim wrote:
>> Looks like you struck gold in that mountain! I like it!
>Thank you. The E-1 sees sunset colors just a little differently and
>getting the picture without it going nuclear is sometimes like walking
>a tightrope.
As much as I enjoy the images the E-1 is creating for you.
I'm too lazy to walk a tightrope. My ankle has healed, but
not that healed.
I'm also in it for the fun, and so far, the Sonies have been good
to me in the fun department; and usability. The GX9 not as much
as I thought it would. EVF for one.
The lens choices these days for Sonie offers a lot, especially for GAS.
Some people only paint with sable brushes, for others, the nylon
brushes work just fine.
Whatever gets one out taking photos is the right camera.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: