Thanks for looking, Moose. You may not be aware that nothing is plumb or level
in our house. I had carefully leveled the cam. I noticed the tilt when
looked again at the image at work but left it. Since it was noticeable enough
for you to mention I did a partial correction but that cropped off too much on
the right--enlarged the canvas and the new version of content aware fill I
think did an OK job--better than CS6. Curiously we are having the cabient
housing the AV gear reworked some. The previous carpenter just kept things
parallel to the floor but the new guy is a purist--all is level and plumb but
the molding across the top has to be askew--3/8" off in a 4ft run. I can see
that situation being standard in 1793 (there are houses built about then within
a mile) but our house was built 200 years later.
Anyway I trust this version is passable.
Level, plumb, or kinda sorta looks OK, pick one, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: