At 9/11/2020 05:09 PM, Moose wrote:
>Here's a pic of Moose in serious mode, circa 2018.
I'm not opposed to camera straps and use them most of the time. What I found is
that I often swing the camera around to my back. Camera straps that work best
for that I have searched for. The old Domke straps, and most straps, when swung
around to the back, where the strap transitions into the narrow strap, digs
into my collar bone/neck. The only strap I have found that is 100% strap, is
the peak design, so I can shift the camera around and my neck, collar/neck
bone, are still in contact with the wider strap.
So many straps have this nice padding for you shoulder. They all assume your
camera is going to hang by your side. You can't shift the camera around. Camera
is either in your hand or at your side. But even if you grab the camera to take
a picture, the padding shifts off your neck and shoulder. Perhaps if just
hanging around the neck with camera in front, it works.
The other change I made is having one attachment to the bottom of the camera.
That facilitates the camera hanging down. When the strap is attached to the two
camera lug positions, as Moose does in the photo, the camera does not hang very
well for me, even if it does imply something about my masculinity. With one
attached on the bottom, one on the side, the camera hangs down better, rather
than dangling the lens in front. Most Arca Swiss plates these days allow for
the bottom strap attachment.
Strapped WayneS
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: