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Re: [OM] Systems Rationalization

Subject: Re: [OM] Systems Rationalization
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 15:46:13 -0800
So I slotted everything into the Canon 200EG bag. It all fits like a
charm, and takes up a third less space and is lighter. I've always
liked that bag, and in fact, I'm actually on my second one as I wore
the first one out. It doesn't provide as robust of padding, nor is it
waterproof, but it gets the job done and is comfortable.

The funny thing is that while it is only 2/3 the capacity of the
SlingShot, it holds just as much stuff. Probably the coolest feature
is the webbed back that you can hold gloves, sunglasses, hats, wet
socks, sandals (for water crossings) or whatever loose item into.

Honestly, I really like that bag. Thank you for bringing me to my
senses. Truth be told, I didn't even try the bag because I thought the
50-200 wasn't going to fit the way I wanted it to. But it fits better
than in the LowePro. Go figure. All items are single layer with no

The KATA bag is a strange beast. I thought it would be a good bag. I
needed a larger-capacity bag to carry a full kit without stuff
clunking against each other and have instant access to all levels of
gear. For that, it does really well. But like the SlingShot, it just
doesn't quite line up with the usage promises. It's a very robust bag
with EXCELLENT gear protection, but it has so much wasted space with
the way the flaps work, that I would have been better off with a
smaller bag. But for the Sony/OM kit, it holds everything I'm taking
and is high quality.

AK Schnozz
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