Congratulations, looks like a keeper to me. CV has a knack for making
excellent niche lenses--has missed the mark a few time but never with the Apo
I agree with you on the benefit of a tripod mount. I am thinking of a custom
one for Big Foot and the CV 110 if pull the trigger. Not only is balance
better but would enable turning to
portrait orientation on my flash brackets w/o alot of machinations. The CV 125
and the 110 do use some internal focusing despite the helicoid extension
which results in less light lost but less working distance compared to say the
Z 135 bellows lens.
Let's see a few more macro shots when you get a chance. Nice bokeh like Big
Foot. I was hoping they would make a 180 macro in the same style but seems may
have to settle for the CV 180/4 in OM mount on extension.
Oly is releasing a 100 macro for MFT but that would not have the working
distance of a 200 on Sonnie. Did you try the DMF focusing mode on Sonnie to
see if you like it with the 90mm?
Great post, thank you.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: