At 8/24/2020 08:30 PM, you wrote:
>Badly in need of a trim, which I can no longer provide, my shrubs and hedges
>await the end of mowing season, when my yard maintenance crew can find time in
>their schedule to do the lengthy job. Meanwhile, Poke Weed has invaded these
>areas and provides feed for the birds. Swarms of blackbirds descend on the
>berries and strip them from the stems. Today, I got to one area before the
>birds found it.
>Histories of the 1700s and 1800s tell of the pioneer housewives learning to
>boil and rinse the Poke leaves to remove the poisonous juice and provide
>needed vitamins during long covered wagon journeys.
Interesting. I always wondered if it had some value. Much better to have Poke
Weed than Poison Ivy.
Before I moved from MA, the Poke Berry was fairly prolific. But it also seemed
the last several years before moving in 2018 that the poison ivy was becoming
particularly bad and more virulent.
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