It's the end of an era. The last bits of darkroom gear have been sold.
While I still have the film developing stuff, all the enlarging and
printing stuff is gone.
When we moved to Alaska three years ago, I shuttered the darkroom and
got a few bits out of the way. Another planned and hoped for sale
didn't materialize, so everything got packed up and shipped to Alaska.
I did get some pangs of sadness and the gravity of it all hasn't
completely settled in, but I know it was the right thing to do and I
have to live this decision with no regrets.
I was able to bless one person who was moving back to Michigan, and
the other who is a grad student. In both cases, they currently have
darkrooms, but this gear provided much needed upgrades and item fill.
For the grad student, I was also able to give him a box-o-antiques of
varying degrees of worth. These were items I picks up in yard sales,
and from old photographers who had their junk boxes. I've ebayed a
number of items off, but never got around to the rest. I doubt there
is much huge value in there, but with a bit of effort and patience, he
could probably get enough to pay for a class or two.
I kept a couple of trays back that I got from my dad, as well as the
print dryer which nobody wanted anyway. It'll make a good nostalgia
Pardon me while I go have a little cry now...
AG Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: