Individualist Moose wrote:
> Isn't this some incestuous game? Do they really influence anyone outside of
> their little community?
Unfortunately, no. Since you mentioned him, I consider Mike at TOP to
be very much an influencer. Do I agree with his assessments?
Sometimes. Back in the mid 2000s, he was quite solid in guiding and
making recommendations based on skills development more than
technology advancements. However, in recent years, I regard him more
of an old crank than somebody moving things forward. LuLa was very
much the opposite and was all about the technology. It had established
itself as the digital photography equivalent of extreme audiophilia. I
poke my head in the door there, and TOP maybe once every two months
just to see if the lights are still on. I think both have long since
passed their "sell by date".
But for at least a dozen years, both TOP and LuLa greatly influenced
the photographic world to a greater degree than any one or two people
> This part of "We" doesn't, 'cause he doesn't watch, listen to or read that
> crap.
Just because I didn't specifically mention YOUR area of interest...
> The A7 and Mk II are really nice, capable cameras. I love them for use with
> old MF FF lenses But, by the time they have
> native lenses attached, they go over the "bigger, and heavier the item, the
> less likely I am to carry it with me." line
> for me for field use. The 24-240 is a monster, compared to .a comparable µ4/3
> lens, Ditto the 16-35.
I certainly do not disagree. In fact, I'm more likely to be highly
selective about what equipment I take with me when I walk out the door
than most anybody. I go through a little decision-tree which is
somewhat iterative:
Am I going for a long hike (8+ miles) or is it a quick out-and-back?
Is this about getting out and hiking or is it about taking pictures?
Is there significant elevation gain involved?
What are the weather conditions like?
Am I feeling artsy?
Do I have a headache or does my back hurt?
Am I feeling guilty about something sitting unused for too long?
Are the lighting and color conditions better served by one camera over another?
Are the batteries charged?
AK Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: