At 7/8/2020 11:10 PM, Far Moose wrote:
>On 7/7/2020 4:54 PM, Jan Steinman wrote:
>>>From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>As you and Jan have said, the 600/6.5 is a very good lens. Amazing how later
>>>developments make it easy to use and get
>>>good results.
>>Yea, I hated mine for years, and just about sold it on several occasions, but
>>now I find it behaves quite well on the OM-D E-M1.2 with silent shutter!
>>There was NOTHING I could do to not get tell-tale signs of shutter-shock on
>>the E-1, E-300, and E-3, although the direction of the blur was different on
>>the E-300, confirming shutter-shake. (The E-300 has a side-ways swinging
>>I have a quite heavy tripod (Benbo #1).
>I have the Uni-Lock reboot of the Benbo, and would call it a middle weight. My
>Bogen 3236 is Charles Atlas to its ordinary body. :-)
>>I used it with TWO tripods, with a CF Gitzo supporting the end of the lens. I
>>put sandbags on it. I hung my camera bag from the tripod. There was NOTHING I
>>could do to avoid shutter-shake!
>>But with the E-M1.2 and IBIS, I can get reasonably sharp shots with it
>>HAND-HELD! Even of ETs!
>Velbon El Carmagne 630 (about the same as the Benbo in solidity, but CF), Sony
>A7, let it sit a couple of seconds after magnified LV focusing, shoot with
>wireless release, and there is NO vibration blur.
>It is, in fact, quite sharp. Tricky to test shoot really long lenses. Quick
>and slightly dirty didn't give me much of the corners, but the corner I got is
>pretty good. Center is excellent.
>Interesting stuff, comparing lenses on different formats. Both the 600 and the
>PLeica 100-400 are as they came out of the cameras. This copy of the 600 is
>much longer than spec in FL. The 100-400 is on a different shape/size sensor,
>with different MP count - and they come out almost identical in pixel
>The Zuiko could use a little more contrast and the Leica a little NR, but, to
>my eye, they are identical in resolution. The 600 is not that sharp at wider
>apertures; not bad, but not as good.
>I shot other long lenses, a couple of mirrors and the built-in lens on the
>Sony RX10 IV. The Sony is the real surprise. That's the long end of a 25x
>zoom, on a 1" sensor! WOW!
>(BTW, the test target is my variation on the standard. I added smaller bars.)
Yes, to this:
>As a practical matter, the 100-400 on µ4/3 is far smaller, lighter, more
>flexible, etc. for the same resolution
I thought the aperture slap was the cause for the 600 shake on the OM body. It
was a sensitive lens.
I have been enjoying the new (to me) GX9. Here is one of my very first photos
with a PL 100-400 @ 400mm. I wasn't intending to get this lens, but one became
available locally, so I bought it with cash from a mtn bike sale. The dual IS
makes handheld possible. Not sure how well IBIS works with the OM 600mm? Could
it do 1/40 handheld?
GX9, PL 100-400 @ 400mm, F6.3, 1/40, handheld.
Here is a 100% crop of the Quale in that dead cactus:
Compared to the A7iii, the GX9 shutter feels/sounds like butter.
For me, going backward to an OM lenses (other than for the fun of it, or
possible magic) is not worth it compared to the convenience of modern zoom
lenses. Especially if I am out on my bike. Here is Rawhide Rush view from
biking Brown's Ranch, GX9, PL 12-60 @ 12mm, F5.6:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: