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Re: [OM] Isolation??

Subject: Re: [OM] Isolation??
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:50:57 -0700
Apologies to you personally, Charles, but the screwed-up two-party electoral
system pretty much guarantees polarization and government by the mentally ill,
and so the aggregate earns that coat of paint, even if many, many individuals
do not.

Well, the screwed up multi-party system in Canada outputs some pretty weird results too, Jan, I believe that you are in the N. Saanich and Gulf Islands riding, correct? It is perhaps the most liberal riding in the country. So who did they elect to represent them a few years ago? Why a conservative MP. We're not just talking conservative, we're talking Steven Harper  mentally ill Conservative . The Liberals, NDP and Greens split the vote to allow 30% of the population control the riding. How is that better. Yeah, I know, the two liberal-ish parties later agreed to sit back and allow the Greens to take the seat.

The only fair election is some sort of ranked choice voting scheme. Don't the Ozzies have something like that. Might prevent debacles like what's happening in Israel right now.


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