On 4/11/2020 7:30 PM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
Thanks much Moose, that really helps. Always succinct clear advice.
Howerver, the GX8 does have the tilting EVF though, so missing that blessing.
You know, I didn't have much problem with the tilting EVF on the GX7. I've not used a GX8. I don't know what the reason
is, but those on the GX9s are a real pain.They are forever getting caught in the bag, on a strap, on clothing, and so on.
When pulled up lust a little, it throws the aim off. When I pull the camera up to my eye, I lose a moment or two. When
pulled up a lot, the diopter adjustment is exposed, and even gets moved. Suddenly everything is fuzzy.
One other thing is GX8 has a slightly larger battery.
Another reason I wouldn't want one. GX85, GX9, ZS200 and ZS80 all use the same battery. We were on the road 1/4 of last
year, and I only needed one battery model, one dual quick charger and one single charger the whole time. Heaven,
compared to some other years.
I was not clear how much the shutter shock was an issue
I remember I dealt with it on the GX7, but not how (EFC?). I only know about it on the GX8 because it was mentioned as a
problem in reviews. Shutter shock in µ4/3 cameras has a weird history. Oly built a fix into their bodies right from the
E-P1, hid it in an obscure place in the menus and never highlighted it in any way. Panny just put their fingers in their
ears and cried "Nyah, nyah, nyah . . ."
My first use of the Oly 75-300 confused me. I would get one shot nice and sharp, and the next soft. then I learned, not
from Oly, about the 1/8 sec. shutter delay setting, and all those troubles went away. I do know that it can be quite
serious. I do know that folks like DPR found it a real problem in the G7 and GX8.
and the IBIS performance.
That is one of the great mysteries of life, not just on the GX8. How does one test? What technique, what FLs, what
lenses, and so on. One that works well for me might not for you, or vice versa, because our bodies move differently.
I was happy with it on the GX7, and the GX8 added two axes. I imagine it's fine. When paired with a Panny lens with OIS,
which is most zooms and a couple of primes, it should be excellent.
Oly's Sync-IS gets the noise, and is perhaps spectacular, but only with two existing lens and one promised lens. I
simply didn't get long with the 12-100 and the other two have size/weight profiles that don't appeal. As a practical
matter Panny Dual-IS actually does me some good.
Also, we have a new tool to assist errors in exposure in post. I have in the past used Neat Image's movement
compensation mode to save or improve motion blur shots, but it's tedious and limited. The Stabilize Mode in Topaz
Sharpen AI often does magic in eliminating motion blur. Another wonderful thing about it is that it works equally on
blur caused by camera motion and subject motion.
Living creatures, even when "standing still" are not motionless. At 800 mm eq. and F7, even pretty decent shutter speeds
don't always stop that motion - especially when cropped a lot. Out in the real world, creatures breathe and move, and
wind moves things.
More Blather Moose
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