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Re: [OM] CCD image sensor cameras

Subject: Re: [OM] CCD image sensor cameras
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 13:36:44 -0800
Moose wrote:
> My cognitive dissonance is between all your talk about the subtle color 
> differences between various sensors, color
> sensel filters, hue gradients across skies, and so on and the image you 
> present, where everything is amped up so much
> that there is no subtlety at all.

At least I am consistent. When running sound for the church, I tend to
make sure the deaf can hear. So I amp up my photos so the blind can

But I think the point I was trying to make is that the E1/E300/E400
allows me to crank up the volume without the colors going all nasty. I
can choose to keep them quiet, but when your only tool is a hammer,
everything is a nail.

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