Good luck with your search, and thanks (and to Jez) for that information.
My mother is still alive but with incipient dementia and a failing long-term
memory; she did write some memoirs around 10 years ago, but they were sketchy
and only partially accurate. The person with almost encyclopaedic knowledge
her sister-in-law, my aunt, but she’s lying immobile and with failing
everything in a care home near Glasgow after a stroke at Christmas.
I’m inclined to try to see my grandfather’s war records, but now will probably
be a bad time . . .
> On 4 Apr 2020, at 16:30, Martin Walters <mwalters1440@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chris:
> My sister and I are in the same position, with only our mother still living
> (but very poorly). We have lots of questions about old photos and relations
> that would be easy to answer otherwise. Indeed, some will never be answered
> now.
> We ended up signing up for Ancestry to try and rectify things. We found that
> it was quite useful, but with limited information after 1911 (the last
> available census). You do have to be quite careful to pick the right
> person..... It's amazing how many people of the same name and place were
> born/married or died in the same year. We found information on other family
> trees, some good, some clearly mixed up.
> Ancestry does have service records, though patchy. I also joined Forces War
> Records briefly. In our case, we still have one grandfather who's records are
> not available publicly. His brother's (he died in 1913), on the other hand,
> are available and make interesting reading. I also read that a significant
> part of the records were lost during bombing of the War Department in the
> 1940s.
> Martin
> On 2020-04-04 6:19 a.m., Chris Barker wrote:
>> My maternal grandfather served in both World Wars, mostly as a pilot, but
>> also as an engineer (from what I can gather). He worked in Iraq (where he
>> was interned during the revolution of the 1950s), Ghana and India as a
>> railway engineer after the Second World War and I last saw him a couple of
>> years before he died in 1993, just short of his 100th birthday.
>> I’ve started taking a (belated) interest in his career and his ancestry, but
>> it has been impossible to find out anything about his parents. So i thought
>> to check through some of his early photos for clues. I’ve scanned a few and
>> put them in a mid-March blog entry:
>> <>
>> < <>>
>> The photo of him and some young lady wearing an army tunic is a little
>> strange, but he’s not here to defend himself or his motives . . .
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: