For my entire career as a photographer, I had many people tell me, "Oh, you
must get an apple computer they last longer and when you use them every day is
a better day. They always work and the birds will be singing and the flowers
Well. about a year ago I replaced my faithful tower computer as it aged out. I
had used it without fail for 0ver 15 years. I expect the replacement will be my
last. And the only printer problem was when I had an HP 19" printer. It was an
exceptional printer but when I upgraded from Windows 96 or whatever, HP
discontinued support for the printer and would not get a new driver. Keep in
mind they were still selling new ones. So the guy that buys a brand new one
from Comp USA or Best buy is left holding the bag? Yup. So, I will never do
business with HP again.
And Apple? Just too expensive.
From: olympus <> on behalf of
Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 2:36:47 PM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] Photo Scanner.
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of Wichita State University. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the
content is safe.
> Oops, just realized we’re talking about scanning, not printing. That’s what
> digicams and copy stands are for. :-)
Printing too.
Actually, in the case of my all-in-one, I can actually use Vuescan to
scan, but I can't print from ANY Apple device. But the PC is very
happy with it either way. I'm using the old beast to print out 8x10
(8.5x11) glossies. Two years ago, we purchased bulk inks and I still
have some left. Once we exhaust the supply, I'll bin it.
Why throw it out? Well the driver situation is one reason, but the
other reason is that it tried to commit suicide during the earthquake
and the scanning mechanism got really bounced hard and is no longer in
alignment. The old Epson scanner I had ($25 purchase from Goodwill)
never did come back to life--it died a horrible death in the
AG Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: