Italians god love then smoke. Are old. And embrace and cheek kiss everyone.
Sadly all newly reinvigorated camera stores in nw shut
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> On Mar 19, 2020, at 12:56 PM, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Our mayor just ordered all bars, restaurants, and gyms closed as of
> today. We can still do takeout.
> Our grocery stores are being stripped clean. I was fortunate to
> replenish certain items, but in a couple of weeks people will probably be
> getting desperate as they go bat shit crazy being stuck at home.
> The global mortality rate is 4.09% as of this morning, and in Italy it's
> 10.43%. I have a bad feeling that we're looking at an entirely new strain
> that is more aggressive.
> Looking at the statistics, we may be fortunate here in the southwest.
> This bug appears to like cold, damp environments, and if so then we will be
> relieved here next month when the temperatures rise and we dry out.
> Chris
> When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
> - Hunter S. Thompson
> --
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