Thanks, Moose. That’s the impetus I needed to get me going. It’s a completely
different system of Customisation to Fuji’s and that took some getting used to
a few years ago.
> On 9 Mar 2020, at 20:57, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> To get started . . .
> Ordinarily, any change you make while shooting in the A, S or M Modes will be
> remembered when you turn the camera off and on. I use "A" Mode almost always.
> Save the way you want the camera to be set when you turn it on to Custom
> Memory C1, and set the Mode Dial to "C". Then, when you turn the camera on,
> it's always as expected. Diddled with a bunch of settings, but don't know for
> sure which? Tap the C square in the upper left, select C1, and you're back to
> normal.
> New to the latest Pannys, including this one, is the ability to turn off
> Touch Focus, so your nose doesn't move the focal point around - while leaving
> other LCD touch functions on. Huge benefit to me, and one of the reasons the
> GX85 went away and I standardized on the GX9. This also makes switching
> Custom Settings quick and easy.
> I use all three Custom settings, C1 for normal, C2 for Focus bracketing and
> C3, with AFC, diamond focus area and medium burst mode for moving targets,
> esp. birds.
> What else? Random order:
> I've customized the QMenu (lower left button) to include only ISO, Bracket,
> AF Mode, Flash and AFS/AFF/AFC. By default, it includes a slew of setting I
> never want to change, esp. on the fly. With only five, there are no hidden
> ones to the sides. Much simpler. Customizing it is a pain, but worth it to me
> by making a hard to use tool easy and effective.
> I have AF set to AF with a flower, AF Macro. As far as I can tell all this
> does is allow closer focus, without affecting distance focus. As I'm forever
> shooting C-Us, I leave it there.
> I have my default EV comp. set to -2/3, as I do on every camera I use. It's
> easy to adjust on the fly; the up arrow of the four way controller switches
> the thumb wheel to set EV comp.
> I shoot Raw only. I have ISO on Auto by default, with upper limit set to
> 1600, which is pretty noisy. I had it at 800 for a long time, but the advent
> of better NR software makes 1600 more acceptable. 1600 helps a lot in the dim
> with a slow lens.
> I have the ring around the lens set to stepless zoom and the Zoom toggle
> around the shutter release set to move in jumps to "standard" FF eq.
> settings. Control wheel on top right is Aperture.
> Probably something else . . .
> Set Up Moose
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