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Re: [OM] The current Zone-10 Living History Farm

Subject: Re: [OM] The current Zone-10 Living History Farm
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 11:56:45 -0800
On 3/2/2020 11:17 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
The 100/2 is a wonderful beast. The images it is able to produce is
nothing short of incredible. But it is still a beast. It's a solid
hunk of metal and glass. Very heavy. I've done quite a bit of
comparison testing between it and my weird 100/2.8. I've always
claimed that my 100/2.8 was a special lens and in actual practice,
it's a very close match to the 100/2. The main advantage of the 100/2
over my 100/2.8 is the mid-distance bokeh, fringing, and improved
coatings. Oh, and the additional stop wide-open. But in practice, the
100/2.8 holds up very well and is far superior in handling. I'd
recommend a late-series 100/2.8 with all the best coatings.

Do I not recall your discussion of at least three different versions, with one, 
perhaps the middle one, having super powers?

I remember disappointment that mine wasn't in the estimated magic serial number 


The superb Panny 42.5/1.7 on a GM5 is compact magic enough for me.

Elephantic Recall Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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