Could very well be the same sensor, since they're both 8M.
It took me a while to understand that the TIFF format incorporated the
temperature balancing, etc. Too bad you can't have that as an option as I
wasted a lot of time experimenting with Wratten filters for monochrome. I've
yet to repeat that exercise with RAW format as I need some tall, fresh bunch
grass as a subject.
>> I think the E-510/520 has the same 10M sensor. The E-500 has the
>>earlier Kodak/Toshiba 8M sensor. It has a unique uncompressed TIFF
>>recording mode, which results in 24M files, so you don't lose any detail.
>I thought the E-500 used the same sensor as the E-300.
>As to the uncompressed TIFF files, those are still processed and lack
>all the details and features of the RAW files.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: