Nattering Nabob of PoSitivism Moose writes:
<<Did CS6 have Smart Fill, and its allies?
Yes, content aware fill is there but one can not tell PS what areas to use.
That is a mystery and sometimes a shocking surprise. Content aware move is not
included in CS6.
<<The selection tools have multiplied and improved.
Thanks for the summary. I just wanted some idea of what is new and an overview
of how to use those features. Otherwise at risk of using the same tools I
know and wasting time. I have a number of actions but could automate more.
<<You and Marnie should come out for master classes around the time winter
<<to get to you, perhaps March?
We have master classes at noon conference at the Brigham by the super super
subspecialists which are often excellent but would enjoy a PS one as much as
anything. Endo Soc meeting is in SF in March too--my collaborator did not get
back to me in time for the abstract so going is iffy. Had hoped to combine it
with a Moose visit. Marnie needs to graduate PS grammar school to take maximal
advantage of master class. Perhaps it will work out.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: