At 11/25/2019 11:39 AM, you wrote:
>> Now, at this point in time, where are the museums? the palm trees? the
>> vineyeards? please.
>How many museums do you want? Granted, you won't find many "Western
>Civ" works, but you will find art that is more representative of the
>thousands of years of history here.
>Palm trees? You CAN grow a couple varieties here. We live in the
>"Banana Belt" of Alaska. It's far more temperate here along the Cook
>Inlet than the interior where the temperatures typically get up to 40
>degrees colder. The dividing line is quite close--I can be in
>permafrost within an hour drive. Alpine Tundra is just up the hill
>from me--Our first place we lived in had alpine tundra right behind
>the house.
I read something recently with the permafrost melting, there
is now quite a trade in woolly mammoth tusks. Any of that
happening in Alaska?
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