At 11/18/2019 01:37 AM, Piers wrote:
>I am hesitant to add to anything Moose writes on macro (for which I am as
>always very grateful!) but there is one aspect of the m.Zuiko 60/2.8 which is
>worth adding. It provides for focus stacking in-camera on OM-D EM-1 (X, i and
>ii) and EM-5 (ii and I assume also iii). No need for PS.
Yes, thanks Moose. Comparing to FF this is helpful. As to in camera focus
stacking, that is not something I would likely use, but having the ability to
do focus bracketing would be.
I am curious how well the E-M5 iii does focus stacking.
I have not had great success with focus stacking using PS when taking photos
with a lot of cactus needles. For instance a shot like this (using Helicon
Focus and 6 images)
PS would not get the smooth transitions on all the needles, often creating
little out of focus blobs on the tips requiring a lot of post mask editing to
fix. Helicon seems to handle it with ease, but best if the stack is not random
Perhaps I don't need a true macro, but a lens with decent close focus.
I know buried in many threads are lens recommendations. I vaguely recall some
discussion of pany lenses on olympus and visa versa, issues? So looking for
what others tend to use on their u43s? Especially to go with an E-M5 iii.
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