One of the things I'm enjoying about my Panny GX9 cameras is the ability to catch birds in flight far more easily and
with better results than with the E-M5 IIs*
One of my favorites of that kind is this shot, where some American Pelicans posed so nicely for me.
That reminds me that I've added many photos to my Birds album in recent months, both Asian and domestic. The soaring
large black birds are two kinds of Asian vultures. <>
For the Birds Moose
* Yes, I know, E-1 II and E-1X, but I'm not carrying even the light ones around, or, for that matter Panny G9s. And
then, there's Dual IS with the Pleica 100-400.
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: