Phillipe, good suggestion, thanks! Funny, they looked fine to me at 1:00am.
I have added some clarity and played with the levels a bit. The light was coming
from multiple places with multiple color temperatures, no room to move, rude
hurrying everybody along so *their* group could see things quickly, etc.
Still, it was
a mind-blowing experience to see these mosaics. These are digital photos,
so no rinsing needed :-)
Mike, these are mosaics. So it would have been too much work for the bluenoses
to chip away at all those itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny pieces(*)... Also, the villa
site became a
town, which was covered by a mudslide in 1160 CE, before the Christians could
get to it.
So, we don't need no steenking fig leaves.
(*) Oh, wait, that was about the bikinis...
Thank you Peter for these glimpses of the past.
On a technical note, have you tried adding a pinch of clarity or dehazing as
they all (the previous ones too) look somewhat as if the neg had not been
properly rinsed and suffer from veiling.
Le 8 mars 2019 à 11:28, Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant [at]> a
écrit :
More of the magnificent mosaics at Villa Casale in Sicily. The guides made a
big deal about the fact that the bikini wasn't new in the 1950s and 60s. It
already existed in ancient Rome, as seen on these female athletes. Sorry,
Gidget and Annette:
One of the huge floor mosaics depicts a hunting expedition to north Africa.
Here are a few slices, showing Roman men capturing large animals and birds,
and loading them onto a galleon for shipment back to Rome.
And here is a reminder of the brutality of slavery:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: