Thank you again.
At 1/4/2019 01:28 PM, Expert Opinion wrote:
>On 1/4/2019 5:42 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>photo processing...
>If you include Winsoz programs, the list gets even longer. Many of the newer
>entries concentrate on offering many pre created "looks" from which one picks,
>rather than doing the editing oneself. At least one offers fully automatic
>editing, using trained neural net AI. Whether that appeals depends on the user.
>I don't like them because I mostly process different parts of an image
>Perhaps you could approach the problem from a different perspective. What do
>you want to be able to do? For example:
>Correct Linear distortion, esp. in S/U WAs and kit lenses. AFAIK, there are
>only four real players:
>Adobe - There are a lot of profiles available, and an app to roll your own.
>DxO - Pretty comprehensive set of profiles for AF lenses. None or close to
>none for MF lenses. The profiles are very high quality. The only simple way to
>allow really wide shots to be corrected in such a way as to allow the image to
>grow in width, rather than crop off some width/AoV. I keep DxO primarily for
>PTlens - A pretty broad range of coverage, and he will make a new profile if
>you take the test images and sent them to him. Can retain full AoV after WA
>correction, but it's tricky.
>LensFun - LensFun is used, either explicitly or under the hood, in several
>conversion/editing programs. In my limited world of µ4/3, the profiles are
>second rate.
>Imadio Fisheye-Hemi - The one I showed you. Only available as a PS type
>Specialized apps:
>The very best apps for some functions aren't in the general purpose programs:
>Noise Reduction and "Sharpening": The best of these are only available as
>stand alone and/or PS plug-ins. Stand alone works, but is hell on work flow. I
>use NeatImage, v7 or 8 and FocusMagic on virtually every image I process.DxO
>Pro NR and Topaz AI Clear are also in the mix, 'cause no one NR is best for
>all subjects. All are used as plug-ins, so I don't leave PS.
>Layers & Masks:
>This is where I live. Some other programs have one or the other in some form
>or other. None come close to PS for me. PS also offers some pretty amazing
>selection tools for masking.
>A few offer cataloging of one's image files. LR is not only at least as
>capable as any others, it offers a Map function that shows geocoded images on
>a map. A serious life saver for me.
>I dabble in other programs occasionally, but I think it's 'til death do us
>part for me and PS for conversion/editing and LR for catalog.
>Opinionated Moose
>What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
>Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: