> From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> BTW, some of us can remember when "Acid Rain" was all the
> environmental hype. I guess that doesn't matter anymore...
It ain't what you don't know; it's what you *know* that just ain't so...
I worked with ecologists in New England in the 70s and 80s. Acid rain was real
and extremely damaging, especially in granite-dominated New England, which
lacked the buffering ability of soils based on sedimentary rock. Lakes were
losing aquatic invertebrates that fish higher up the food chain depended on.
Forest were dying from nutrients leached from their foliage by sulphuric acid.
Even human artifacts, like metal bridges and cement structures, were undergoing
accelerated aging.
Coal-fired electricity was largely the problem. Richard Nixon's Clean Air Act
required coal plants to either burn low-sulphur fuel, or to install "scrubbers"
to remove the acid-rain-causing sulphur compounds. Sulphur was banned from most
diesel fuel.
The result? The lakes and soils of New England are recovering, thus your
impression that "it doesn't matter any more."
It's only when you FIX a problem that it doesn't matter any more. Part of the
problem with fixing problems is they no longer are problems to later
generations. So I guess today's children will thank us for not fixing the
climate problem, so they won't be able to deny it.
I hope you don't think I think "you must die" because we appear to disagree.
But I also hope that you step back from your own biases to see what's really
going on here: selling out our children's future for this quarter's profits.
That is not a Republicrat or Demican issue. It's not a right or left issue.
Mark Hatfield, Tom McCall, and Richard Nixon were three conservative Republican
environmentalists who understood that if the planet can't support human
population, business will suffer. It's a MORAL issue, which is why people get
so passionate.
> we should totally ban Bitcoin and jail or kill everybody involved in Bitcoin
> Mining.
Yea, I see what you mean by "if you don't 100% agree with me or my solutions,
you must die."
Pot, meet kettle.
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