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Re: [OM] A.I. Gigapixel Test

Subject: Re: [OM] A.I. Gigapixel Test
From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 10:16:53 -0700
> From: Philippe <photo.philippe.amard@xxxxxxxxx>
> Have tou thought of a Mac? 


And give up the pleasure of having to worry about and match up various bits of 
third-party hardware, download and keep updated obscure bits of conflicting 
drivers, constantly be on the lookout for DLL conflicts, and then replace the 
whole thing every three years? ARE YOU CRAZY?

This is coming to you from a nine-year-old MacPro, the machine I use for photo 
AND video editing. It's only slow when I have a web browser in the background 
with 123,456 open web pages. :-)

The downside is that Macs, being replaced less than half as often as Windows 
PCs, are bad for the economy. Keep buying those PCs! Grow the economy! (Out of 
YOUR pocket!)


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