Appreciate your looking and commenting Jim, Chris, and Moose. Curiously I did
drop the brightness of the background by 15% but perhaps a bit more was
warranted. I did save the PSD file in case of suggestions.
The ferns in background were quite close and the bokeh a smidge edgy. I tried
to avoid artifacts in blurring the background with lens blur followed by just a
few pixel Gaussian with a quick touch up of any edge issues.
I tried to do it the sure fire no artifact way by eliminating the subject pre
blur. The quick go at it w/o masking PS did not let me get away with
it---selected b'fly very carefully, copied layer with selection, inverted
selection on top layer and cut background out. On layer below inverted
selection again to select b'fly and cut it out, then reinverted to select
background with an eye towards two rounds of different blurs. PS said no way
Jose and directed one to convert to smart object but blur tools still greyed
out. So much for shortcutting Maestro Moose masked method.
Rusty masker, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: