On 8/26/2018 3:01 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
Thanks, Moose. I like the crop of her daughter on the side of that frame.
That's another wonderful one! I've been processing a lot of shots of kids in
Bhutan, many big crops. A lot of great faces!
I'm trying out the new Topaz enlarging software A.I. Gigapizel which is
supposed to be fantastic at making huge enlargements using artificial
intelligence. I'm impressed so far but it takes several hours to process
one photo! I'll have to be very select with what I try!
I've tried it twice. First time, it locked up my computer. OK, so it was a full size Raw file. So I tried a much smaller
TIFF. I watched the green bar move slowly across until it looked to be about finished - and BAM, computer locked up
solid. Reset, which I NEVER need, was the only way out.
They say it takes forever, but is supposed to run in the background. Not so far.
Digitally Immobile Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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