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Re: [OM] Mother and chicks

Subject: Re: [OM] Mother and chicks
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2018 01:25:10 -0700
On 8/24/2018 12:24 PM, SwissPace wrote:
Hi All,

Not really been doing much with my photos these days, still taking a few but not so often, however in the spring when I was preparing a report for my studies, Kerstin came in the house and said I should look in the carport as we have a nest in there. so I went and had a look and saw four little beaks popping out, so I rushed back for my camera and returned, as I did the mother flew off so I decided to see if I could get them all together and waited, she came back but saw me so flew off. I then got a step ladder and hid in the corner, still the same problem the mother sensed me, so as I have a bit off a workshop I placed myself in there and just left a slight opening for the lens, this worked and I spent a patient few  hours watching and photographing the activities, the chicks heads popping up when it sensed the mother or father coming back, I also noticed the mother telling them to stay down and be quiet when she sensed I was there, I should have been working but it was a wonderful experience, I saw them preparing for flight and sure enough next day they were all gone.

enough type here are a selection of feeding time images




there was one chick that was always pushed down by the others but the mum made 
sure it was also fed


Fabulous! What fun!

Fledgling Moose

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