As usual, you are correct. I will try the PS approach next time. Nice
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 8/21/2018 4:59 PM, Moose wrote:
On 8/20/2018 1:21 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
I can't satisfy everyone, Moose.
Sure you can; I love the color original!
If I were to convert it to monochrome, I would do it differently.
To my taste, the SEfxP2 version you show isn't very attractive. It
brightens the background while darkening the foreground. That tends to
pull my eye to the background. The playground of light tones upon
which the bee plays in the color becomes drab and doesn't pull my eye
into the interplay of flower and bee.
Then there's the sharpening, which makes things edgy and leaves halos
around bee details of claws, hair, etc.
My version is much simpler, just changing color for monochrome. I did
take a quick try at doing something similar in SEfxP2, and I suspect
it can be done, but it is, to me, much more complex. The PS tool is so
simple, six sliders to brighten or dim the three primaries and three
secondary colors. I brightened Yellow, to bring up the flower to
something like the visual place it holds in color and pulled Green
down just a little, to darken the background.
Different Tones Moose
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: