CFM writes:
<<<I think one part of the "truth" is that Oly and Adobe have different ideas
about color.
<<<In the end, I think it's really a matter of taste, not something where it's
possible to come to a scientific conclusion as to which is most accurate. Even
with lab targets, colors of objects change with time, lights age, etc.
I would bet it is possible to objectively determine accuracy, but to what end?
I would have thought your purple flower example would have been more
definitive though was intriguing nonetheless. The sensor/ converter torture
test I ran into was the proper depiction of simultaneous TRUE purple and skin
tones. The eye is extremely sensitive to errors in the latter. Marnie in her
light purple jacket or near our purple clematis is a steep hurdle. ACR with
Canyon failed miserably despite much effort though DXO OP was much closer. I
think current Oly cams would handle this if processed well. I think I already
have suitable test images but they didn't even register with me because there
was no issue. Porta 160 in my previous lab's hands was spot on.
Off color, Mike
(BTW, OM-2 was out and about getting exercise despite OM A7rIII right next to
it--sometimes need a computer break)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: