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Re: [OM] Zone-10 website stuff

Subject: Re: [OM] Zone-10 website stuff
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 14:01:56 +0100
I am using midphase - very happy and have unlimited bandwidth and storage - costs just under 400USD for 3 years for linux professional unlimited -  although I only have about 10 websites hosted and not really using that much storage and I don't think they generate that much traffic, never had any issues though and as best as I know the server is always up.


On 04.03.18 11:36, Wayne Harridge wrote:
Yep, ICDSoft for me too (it might have been a recommendation by Moose or
somebody else on this list).  I've had a few minor issues over the years but
they've been resolved quickly and thoroughly by support.  Cost has crept up
over the years but they seem to increase my available storage faster than I
can use it !


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