Congrats! If the trend continues, soon you'll be very very happy,
knowing everything yet knowing nothing...
And... "Offensive Security"? Isn't that what they have at airports?
On 2018-03-01 2:14 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
I wrapped up all the work for my RITx Micromasters in Cybersecurity
classes last night. Fini!!!! This last one, the capstone class, has
been brutal. On another positive note, regarding it, my employer will
actually pay for this final class, which is half of the entire
program! It's a fair chunk of change. Yay!
So, back to the Palo Alto firewall training and certification class.
I've got to get that wrapped up. Then about 200 hours of Ciena
classes. That should keep me tied up for the rest of 2018. I've got to
make sure I have SOME time for taking pictures.
The next big kahuna on my radar is getting my OSCP through Offensive
Security. Not sure if that and $2.00, will get me a cup of coffee at
Starbucks, but it is certainly of interest to me. AND, my brain is
getting stretched in a huge way, so that's not a bad thing. If I want
the company to pay for it, I'll have to wait until 2019.
As I've mentioned before, in this arena, the more you know, the less you know.
Meanwhile, I also have to do a ton of learning on subsea fiber systems.
AG Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: