No tornadoes up here. Can't even score a thunderstorm!
It's starting to get a little colder again. Back down into single
digits (F). We finally got more snow again. Big wet soggy flakes.
About 5 or 6 inches fell in about two hours. One of the neighbors
built huge snowmen... Well, one was R2D2 and the other a storm
trooper. About 8 feet tall. Really well done with tons of details. It
was a slow trudge back home on the commute last night. Fresh snow,
freezing fog and no road salt. Fortunately, they don't plow the snow
until later so as long as you have some snow under the tires you have
traction, but the bare pavement is black ice. Of course, "slow trudge"
is relative. It just means that we slowed down enough to stay off the
bumper ahead of us. Only two vehicles in the ditch. Alaskans tend to
be pretty laid back about driving on snow and ice.
The sun came out today and with the fresh snow and thick layer of
frost on everything, it was beautiful. I'm beginning to understand why
people prefer winter here. Whenever there is snow in the forecast,
everybody gets excited. Of course there is that other little detail
about winter--no bugs.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: