On 12/25/2017 4:21 AM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
In other words, the usual activities when not working, but this time there is a
distinctly Christmassy flavour to some of them:
No cycling here, but good eating and lots of singing.
We sang together with others for weekend and for a solstice evening. We did Carols at a couple of friends' houses.
Others sang to us four times. First a couple of long established local coral groups.
We were a little late for the second, too long eating and chatting with a friend, and had to sit way back.
But then - the rows immediately behind us stood up and started singing! Yowsa! They are really good, and we were right
in the middle of the music. The rest of the concert was good, with a lovely baroque orchestra, but the big magic for us
was in the beginning.
Then we went to the Christmas Revels. Enjoyable, although not their best, and
we got to sing along with some.
Then a concert by a local Catholic Church choir assisted by a small baroque ensemble, mostly music from Italian
nunneries, 16th -17th centuries. This is just a local church choir?? Wow! The men were perfectly fine; the altos
distinguished by one great voice. The sopranos were just a joy. Two wonderful voices. One with a higher range, and
emotive way of singing, the other lower, with a beautiful, straight style. As the music moved up and down, one voice
would be stronger at the top, they blended wonderfully in the middle, and the other hit her stride as the high one
weakened. Glorious.
The harpist play also did a lovely solo number, on a harp with three rows of strings. How that works, I don't know, but
it was beautiful. She is remarkably well preserved for someone born in 1900. :-)
If we did New Year's resolutions, one would be to get to more vocal concerts in
Ringing Ears Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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