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Re: [OM] Fabulous Thursday Bird

Subject: Re: [OM] Fabulous Thursday Bird
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 16:23:13 -0800
On 12/21/2017 2:29 PM, Philippe wrote:
As sharp a super tack :-)
great colour rendition too.

Quite a bit of post for light and color. Original in shade and backlit.

Now in my language, I’d say the shot is « en plein dans la pastille », which 
refers to the fact that, as in the old SLR days, when we used split screens and/or a circle in 
the middle of the screen, you focused the image on the bird all right, yet framed the shot as if 
the bird had no tail, concentrating on the focus only.

Yup. I did do one with the tail, but it was in all other respects much poorer. Long tail, white tip, was a help in identification.

When it comes back, I'll be sure to remember to up the EV and include the tail. :-) Never seen one right here before, and would like it to stay that way. It's a bird hawk, right at our feeder for smaller birds; not a good combination.

Other than that, this picture is exceptional.


Keep them coming !!

I've posted quite a few this week. Added a bunch to Bhutan Potpourri, in case you haven't looked for a while. <https://photos.app.goo.gl/k1PcSoIWjZcsuTZv1>

Molto Pix Moose

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