It's sad but it's the store owners fault and the manufacturer's fault and its
also our fault. Like many of us, as I advanced in photography, most of the
local stores became wedded to the beginner trade and didn't stock anything but
the very bottom line cameras and lenses, and the staff were not familiar with,
well, photography. I know the owner of one of the last remaining cameras atores
here, and he can tell many tales of how he can't carry certain brands because
the companies require a buy-in that would make B&H pale.
And most of us have abandoned our local stores far too early. Maybe if I had
gone in and pointed out that I wanted certain film stocks (name a local camera
store that stocks Agfa Ultra 50. It was hard enough to find plus-x in 35, and
PX 120?) or filters that wern't made of old whisky bottle bottoms, or bags that
were well made...
Aw, hell, it's the 21st century. I'm getting on with it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ChrisB" <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 7:10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [OM] The closing of Fort Wayne's Last Camera Store
There is a camera shop in the town of Stevenage, about 10 miles from where I
work Mon-Wed; I recently bought myself a new camera and lens there (Fujifilm
X-E3 with 23/2) so I feel that I’m doing my bit for the industry :-)
> On 28 Nov 2017, at 05:37, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/27/2017 6:08 PM, Christopher Crawford wrote:
>> Back in July, Sunny Schick Camera Shop in Fort Wayne, Indiana closed forever
>> after 90 years in business. I made some photographs of the store as it
>> emptied out during their going out of business sale.
>> It was a sad thing to document, as Sunny Schick was a center for the
>> photography community on Fort Wayne, and our city's last remaining camera
>> store.
> My condolences.
> People in SF and the Peninsula were saddened by the loss of major store
> Keeble and Shuchat a year ago. Perhaps much of the business will transfer to
> stores in SF, helping them along.
> We are lucky to have a major store here in Berkeley. I wish them well, but
> have done little to support them, only buying things like bags and
> tripod/head stuff, things I need to see/handle in person, once in a while.
> With major university campus in town, I suppose the constantly rotating
> student population is always in need of photography stuff, as well as
> supporting several art supply stores. Students were a big presence in their
> old location near campus.
> G.A.S. Moose
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