There's a fellow on who has himself in a lather about the sharpness
and the focus accuracy of his M.Z 12/2.0.
He was in part leaning on the focal distance that Oly puts in EXIF, which is estimated from stepper motor counts. I've
always know that it is flaky, but decided to do a test to prove to him it shouldn't be relied on for anything serious.
I though some here might find the results interesting, too.
Subject Distance 4 m
focal Length 12 mm
Aperture 5.6
EXIF reported Focus Distances, meters
Maker Lens MF AF
Olympus 12 2.0 4.265 3.655
9-18 4.0-5.6 7.11 ∞
12-100 4.0 2.7 2.25
25 1.8 2.245 2.195
45 1.8 4.245 4.1
60 2.8 4.645 4.605
75 1.8 4.02 2.495
Panasonic 12-60 2.8-4.0 ∞ ∞
14 2.5 24.83 24.83
20 1.7 4.55 4.825
42.5 1.7 4.02 3.345
Measured Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: