The second one, with the fly, is superb! Sharp where needed and the OoF
rendition is fairly good too.
I also had a look at the potpourri and find the people shots excellent.
The landscape and details shot look slightly too tightly framed for me - one
notable exception, and it must be my eye’s favourite in the series is the
WA Philippe, who ordered a BF 10-24 yesterday, and can’t wait to test it :-)
> Le 25 nov. 2017 à 06:02, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> These Bhutanese flies were acting as busy pollinators of these beautiful,
> blue alpine flowers. <>
> The Phun part is that it's actually only one fly. I took six shots as it flew
> from bloom to bloom, hoping to get one best one. As they were all decent to
> excellent, I combined them so that the fly is in many places at once.
> I left a clue, as the two upper right couldn't be together that way, as their
> wings would clash.
> I also caught one in flight in front of some other colorful flowers.
> <>
> A 100% sample in not too shabby.
> <>
> I don't know if this beauty is the other sex of the same species or something
> else. <>
> They are also the latest additions to my Google Photos Bhutan Potpourri
> gallery. It's up to 176 images now, but set up so the latest are on top, so
> checking back occasionally will catch what's new.
> <>
> First photos taken with Oly 12-100 @ 100 mm, last with PLeica 100-400 @ 400
> mm.
> Soaring Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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