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Re: [OM] Sharpness

Subject: Re: [OM] Sharpness
From: "Goss,Steve" <SGOSS@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 13:31:13 +0000
Hi, Y'all-
I don't know about this.
The original question was whether a 16mp full frame sensor would produce a  
sharper or less sharp image than a 16mp m4/3 sensor. If the focal lengths, etc. 
of the lenses are kept constant, and if the image circle of the lenses  were 
only slightly larger than the sensor size, then I would think that it would be 
a wash. Each lens would funnel the same number of photons down to each pixel. 
The full frame lens would funnel them down to a slightly wider area, but they 
would be caught by a slightly wider pixel.

In this case it would come down to the quality of each lens.

Steve Goss

-----Original Message-----
From: olympus [mailto:olympus-bounces+sgoss=cerner.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 3:26 AM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] Sharpness

In theory I'd say yes, based on the idea that sharpness in the end is about 
contrast (the difference between one pixel and the adjacent), and since a FF 
pixel would gather more light, it will have higher 'dynamic range', so with the 
ability to process more contrast it should get you more sharpness.

- When the dynamic range of the part of the scene which you want/ expect sharp 
is adequate for the smaller sensor, I doubt the sharpness difference is visible 
c.q. only measurable.
- With the same f-stop the smaller sensor will always have more DOF. It could 
well be that the perceived sharpness of the resulting image is higher. If the 
f-stop is two stops faster to compensate for DOF, you'll need a longer exposure 
or higher ISO to compensate. Both could have a negative impact on sharpness. A 
longer exposure is prone to include more movement, higher ISO reduces dynamic 
range and introduces noise. Besides:
- There is no FF camera with comparable IBIS to the OM-D camera's.
Depending on your subject, if not or slow moving a large part of the FF 
advantage is regained by this, and with many camera-lens combinations it will 
actually be an advantage over FF.
- You will need top-of-the-bill FF lenses to equal sharpness of the M43 primes 
at full opening. Most of the OM Zuiko's won't cut it (on topic ;-).
The m43 primes are really quite good (and the pro zooms too) at full opening.

Looking forward to other views on this topic.

2017-10-19 23:17 GMT+02:00 Bob Benson <bob.benson91@xxxxxxxxx>:

> I remain confused about the FF vs. M43 sensor comparisons ... I think
> I understand the some of the issues, e.g., DR,  ISO/noise ... but my
> question:
> If the two sensors have the same pixel count (e.g., 16 meg) ... and
> all other factors are managed for creating the same image with each
> sensor (e.g., f stop) ... is there a basis for asserting the FF would
> render a sharper image ?
> Thanks.
> Bob
> --
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