Thanks, Moose. Re the shadow stripes, yes, a bit different aesthetic,
methinks. :-)
Chris, I'm just repeating what I was told. I'll let the various Pueblos
work out who is oldest among themselves. Regardless, it was fascinating
to see such a place. Electricity is not OK there, but propane lamps and
pickup trucks are. The ancient Earth and nature-based religion and
Catholicism co-exist. The young people have cell phones. It felt like
standing on the cusp of ancient and modern, eight toes in the former and
two toes in the latter. I'm told that many of the residents have
residences on tribal land just outside the old pueblo, and spend their
days in the old place and their nights with electricity and indoor plumbing.
Moose sez:
I have a hard time choosing, too. It's a great image either way I
suppose that, since I'm not a big fan of monochrome in general, I should
choose the B&W. A first rate print would be very wallable. :-)
In fact, I have a shot similar in the shadow stripes on the wall in a
bathroom. But quite different in one way. Search Charles Roff Bamboo
Adobe Moose
Chris sez:
I would strongly challenge that claim. The Acoma Pueblo, located
Grants and Albuquerque, has long been recognised as the oldest
habitated community in North America.
> On 9/19/2017 2:23 AM, Peter Klein wrote:
> . . .
> Here are a few scenes from the Pueblo. More to come.
> I loved the shadows cast by the ramada in front of this house. I
couldn't decide whether I liked B&W or color better, so you tell me.
Here's both:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: