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Re: [OM] Weather on the coast

Subject: Re: [OM] Weather on the coast
From: ChrisB <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2017 13:47:34 +0100
I meant to mention as well that this story was delightful.  I could picture the 
little weasel in its little adventure and sudden scare :-)


> On 6 Aug 2017, at 05:02, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Once I saw something odd ahead up a trail, and motioned to my companion 
> behind to stop. I didn't move at all, so no pix. It was a weasel, carrying a 
> dead gopher back home for dinner. Dinner was at least as big as the weasel, 
> apparently heavier. There are hawks there, so the weasel was taking a risk, 
> running down an open trail. Both sides there are dense low growth, laced with 
> small critter trails, but I suspect it couldn't carry the big gopher sideways 
> through them without great difficulty.
> It would run toward us, and the odd movement I'd seen was the gopher flopping 
> up and down on each side as it ran. Then it would drop dinner, stand up full 
> height, looking for danger, then pick it up and go on a ways. It wasn't more 
> than a couple of feet from my feet when it finally noticed the monster, and 
> shot off, with dinner, into the underbrush. I'd rather have that memory than 
> a distant photo, if I could have caught one.
> I also once met a snake with a bright red head, that took a very aggressive 
> stance toward me. Research revealed it to be the endangered SF Garter Snake.

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