On 7/30/2017 1:35 PM, John Hudson wrote:
When I saw the subject title I mused about whether Moose had had an exceptional
day on the links :-)
Never even thought of that.
Golf is not part of my life, or even something I think about. My dad loved it, even though he never got to play after
about age 28-9, when he 'threw his back out", not for the first time, on the course, which turned out to be a ruptured
disk. But he could spend hours on a Sunday watching other people play.
I tried it in college. I had the basic physical aptitude, but just didn't find it interesting. Just as in the various
versions of the quote: "Golf, a good walk ruined.", attributed to many people, I think "Golf course, a good park, ruined."
I don't mind the interest of others, but it's just not up in my mind.
Un Linked Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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