Hmmmm....... Is the tiny insect coming or going? Seems to be going--the
three stripes in the Better Bomber Details post seem to be lines marking
abdominal segments. So we're getting a rear view. Two wings or four? In
the Alan Magayne-Roshak version, it seems that, at least on the left, there
are two separate wings. But that's less clear on the right. So let's say
four wings. All flies (Diptera) have two wings, so it's not a fly.
Bees/hornets/wasps (Hymenoptera) link their fore and hind wings together
with a series of tiny hooks, so it's not a Hymenoptera. Assume that the
upper-most wings in the shot are the forewings. There seems (have I used
"seems" before here?) to be a straight margin to the wings, implying
possible elytra (hardened forewings in beetles, or Coleoptera) or hemelytra
(hardened forewings in true bugs, or Hemiptera). A beetle or a bug? It's
very small for either.
"Seems," "implying," "assuming." Boy, I'm stumped. Jim, could you
please just go back and take another couple shots of that tiny insect,
maybe from both a side and a top view this time? ;<)
List entomologist Dean
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